Silicone Reducer 51 to 70mm

9640051038 | 9640051045 | 9640054051 | 9640057038 | 9640057045 | 9640057051 | 9640060050 | 9640063038 | 9640063045 | 9640063051 | 9640063057 | 9640070045 | 9640070050 | 9640070057 | 9640070060 | 9640070063
Innersize (mm)Options starting from 51mm to 70mm
Length (mm)127
Temperature Range-60°C till +180°C
Hardness65 - 75° Shore A
Tensile Strength6,0 Mpa
ColourBlue. We can also provide different colors on request.
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For pressurized air or water conduction at high temperatures, can be used in vehicles and in the industrial sector. Resistant to electrochemical degradation.

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