Rubber Anti-Fatigue Bubble Mat

31101020 | 31101021
Thickness (mm)15
Executionupperside round studs and sloping edges
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Unique bubble surface design provides enough cushioning to help reduce fatigue and foot injury.
Ergonomically designed to stimulate blood flow to combat fatigue and provides the ultimate comfort and portability for any area where standing is required.

Bubble Mats are high-quality 100% solid rubber that won’t compress and lose their effectiveness over time. The “bubbled” face of Bubble Mats also helps maintain a non-slip working surface, as spilled liquids roll off the raised bubble domes and settle in the gaps between. Bubble Mats offer an overall thickness of 5/8”, and have beveled edges for reduced trip hazards and increased safety.

Work areas where staff members spend a lot of time standing. Cashiers, machine operators, shipping/packaging stations, and other stationary work environments are ideal for Bubble Mats.

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